Custom hooks

Custom hooks allow you to encapsulate reusable logic within your Kaioken components. This documentation outlines the steps and considerations for building your own custom hooks.

Understanding the Code:

The provided code snippet showcases the useHook function, which is the foundation for creating hooks in Kaioken. Here's a breakdown of its functionality:

  • function:

    • Takes three arguments:

      • hookName: A string representing the name of your custom hook.
      • hookData: An object containing data specific to your hook's logic.
      • callback: A function that defines the behavior of your custom hook. It receives an object containing information about the current execution context and can access the provided hookData.
    • Retrieves the Kaioken virtual node (vNode) associated with the component.

    • Validates that the hook is called at an appropriate location (top level of a component or within another hook).

    • Extracts relevant context information from the vNode.

    • Calls the provided callback function with details about the current state and methods for updating the component or scheduling effects.

    • Stores the used hookData within the vNode for future references.

    • Returns the result returned by the callback function.

Creating a Custom Hook:

  1. Naming: Choose a descriptive name starting with use (e.g., useAuth, useWindowSize).

  2. hookData: Define the data structure your hook will use. This can be an object containing state variables, functions, or other necessary information.

  3. function: This function implements the core logic of your custom hook. It receives an object containing details about the current execution context, including:

    • hook: The current hookData object.
    • oldHook (optional): The hookData used in the previous render (if available).
    • update: A function to trigger a re-render of the component.
    • queueEffect: A function to schedule side effects within your hook.
    • vNode: The Kaioken virtual node associated with the component.
  4. Return value: The callback function should return the value(s) you want to expose to your component's logic.

Example (adapted from useState):

function useCounter(initialValue = 0) {
  return useHook(
    { count: initialValue },
    ({ hook, update }) => {
      const increment = () => {

      const decrement = () => {

      return [hook.count, increment, decrement]

Key Considerations:

  • shouldExecHook function (optional): You can optionally use a function like shouldExecHook to control when your custom hook should be executed based on rendering modes or other conditions.
  • Accessing previous state (optional): The oldHook argument in the callback allows you to access the state from the previous render if needed.
  • Triggering re-renders: Use the provided update function to trigger a re-render of the component when your hook's state changes.
  • Scheduling effects: Use the queueEffect function to schedule side effects that are executed post-update within your custom hook.

By following these guidelines, you can create custom hooks that promote code reusability, improve component organization, and enhance the maintainability of your Kaioken applications.